From the Pope's recent "who am I to judge?" comment to local and national initiatives to redefine marriage, the issue of homosexuality and "gay rights" have been much discussed in Catholic circles as well as the mainstream media. We are instructed by Jesus himself to love our neighbor and as regards judgment, he without sin cast the first stone. But what about those sins crying to heaven for vengeance? How are we as Catholics to understand the Church's position and how should it shape our conscience and our response to recent events indicating a revolutionary overhaul of the family and consequently the very basis of society?
Join us on March 11 as we host Fr. Paul Check, director of Courage, an apostolate of the Catholic Church ministering to persons with same-sex attractions and their loved ones. Fr. Check will present a talk entitled "Clarity and Charity: Toward a Clearer Understanding of the Church's Teaching on Homosexuality".
Call for volunteers:
At a recent AOTM event, Kent Wuchterl explained the need for volunteers to help during future AOTM events. The idea is that a parish or men's group would take a particular month and bring a group of guys to help out at that month's event.
If you are interested in helping, contact Kent at
If you talked to him after that event but haven't contacted him, please e-mail him with your e-mail address and phone number.