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Shield of Faith

A Great Crisis of faith has fallen upon the Church. The Faith has been abandoned and luke-warmness is mainstream. This crisis requires action - and faithful Catholic men need to act! In order for the faithful to resist this crisis and all its errors one must possess, at a minimum, basic training of the foundations of the Faith! It is time for Catholic Men to learn the Truth of the faith and how to defend it! This is a call to the men of the AOTM to stand up and take action!

Raymond DeSouza, internationally known speaker and apologist, is beginning our basic training courses on the second Tuesday of July (July 12) and will run each month until our regular season begins in October 2016. We will then pick a new day of the month to continue the courses and we will add Father Echert (Scripture Scholar) to the list of teachers along with another class on Catholic history. We must not only defend the faith but we must restore it to our hearts and minds. Therefore we need to know who we are and that requires understanding where we came from. We have lost our Catholic identity and we must regain it! Come, and reclaim what is rightfully yours, take back what has been stolen from you: Your God given right to the Truth!

AOTM is proud to do all we can to help men resist errors and the luke-warmness of our time to help save souls! I hope to see you there. May God Bless you.

Kent Wuchterl
President of AOTM

Did you miss Part I? View it here:

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